Veterinárna asanačná spoločnosť (KAFILÉRIA)


Mojšova Lúčka
011 76 Žilina

+421 41 5654 110

Animal rendering plant was established in 1968 as state enterprise It was rebuilt and become private company from 1993

Our activities:

  • Veterinary decontamination
  • Production of animal fat and meat meal
  • Combustion of animal fat
  • Consultancy about technological equipment used in animal rendering plants
  • Business activity
  • Transport of animal by-products


VAS s.r.o.
Mojšova Lúčka
011 76 Žilina

IČO: 31 587 666
IČ DPH: SK20 20 44 38 10

Telefón: +421 41 5654 110, +421 41 5654 111, +421 41 5654 112, +421 41 5654 120
Mobil: +421 903 695 939, +421 903 700 007
Fax: +421 41 5654 110